Browsing by Keyword : Apolipoprotein A-I

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2018ApoB/ApoA-I ratio is independently associated with carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus with well-controlled LDL cholesterol levels김대중
2011Apolipoprotein B/A1 ratio is associated with free androgen index and visceral adiposity and may be an indicator of metabolic syndrome in male children and adolescents.김대중, 이관우
2011Application of the HALF index obviates the need for liver biopsy in half of all patients with chronic hepatitis B.정재연, 조성원
2013Assessment of the efficacy and tolerability of 2 formulations of atorvastatin in Korean adults with hypercholesterolemia: a multicenter, prospective, open-label, randomized trial.윤명호
2012Diagnostic accuracy of biomarkers measured in the hepatic vein and peripheral vein in the prediction of advanced fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis정재연, 조성원
2011Diagnostic value of multiple biomarker panel for prediction of significant fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C.김영배, 정재연, 조성원
2013Discordance between liver biopsy and FibroTest in assessing liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B.정재연
2013Eosinophil activation and novel mediators in the aspirin-induced nasal response in AERD.김승현, 박해심, 신유섭, 예영민
2016Lactobacillus acidophilus K301 Inhibits Atherogenesis via Induction of 24 (S), 25-Epoxycholesterol-Mediated ABCA1 and ABCG1 Production and Cholesterol Efflux in Macrophages김혜선
2020Safety and Efficacy of Pitavastatin in Patients With Impaired Fasting Glucose and Hyperlipidemia: A Randomized, Open-labeled, Multicentered, Phase IV Study최소연
2011Serum markers for necroinflammatory activity in patients with chronic viral hepatitis and normal or mildly elevated aminotransferase levels.김영배, 정재연, 조성원
