Browsing by Keyword : frailty

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2023Association between frailty and physical performance in older patients with heart failure진우람
2023Association of sleep duration and physical frailty with cognitive function in older patients with coexisting atrial fibrillation and heart failure서은지
2018EuroQol Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS) as a Predicting Tool for Frailty in Older Korean Adults: The Korean Frailty an Aging Cohort Study (KFACS)손상준
2018Health Literacy but Not Frailty Predict Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Heart Failure서은지
2022Lung transplantation for severe COVID-19-related ARDS박지은
2023Macronutrients intake and physical frailty in Korean older adults: A cohort-based cross-sectional study이윤환
2018Nutritional Status and Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Korean Adults: The Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study김진희, 이경은, 이윤환
2022Risk Factors of Frailty in Patients with Distal Radius Fractures강정현
