Browsing by Keyword : Adenocarcinoma, Follicular

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2012Allelic loss of susceptibility loci and the occurrence of BRAF and RAS mutations in patients with familial non-medullary thyroid cancer소의영
2005Clinical features of bone metastases resulting from thyroid cancer: a review of 28 patients over a 20-year period.김대중
2022Clinicoradiological Characteristics in the Differential Diagnosis of Follicular-Patterned Lesions of the Thyroid: A Multicenter Cohort Study이다현, 하은주, 한미란
2021Molecular correlates and nuclear features of encapsulated follicular-patterned thyroid neoplasms김장희
2013Molecular photoacoustic imaging of follicular thyroid carcinoma.윤준기
2011Perioperative clinical outcomes after robotic thyroidectomy for thyroid carcinoma: a multicenter study.소의영, 이잔디
2013Sonographically suspicious thyroid nodules with initially benign cytologic results: the role of a core needle biopsy.하은주
2022Suspicious thyroid nodules 4 cm require a diagnostic lobectomy regardless of their benign fine needle aspiration results김수영, 김형규, 소의영
1997Vascular endothelial growth factor expression is higher in differentiated thyroid cancer than in normal or benign thyroid.소의영
