Browsing by Keyword : Air Pollution

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2022Age-specific effects of ozone on pneumonia in Korean children and adolescents: a nationwide time-series study김경남
2021Air pollution and risk of hospital outpatient visits for eczematous skin disorders in metropolitan cities of South Korea하경화
2021Association between perceived environmental pollution and poor sleep quality: results from nationwide general population sample of 162,797 people이순영, 주영준
2001Differences in sensitization rates to outdoor aeroallergens, especially citrus red mite (Panonychus citri), between urban and rural children.박해심
2018Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Underlying Disease on the Association between Ambient Temperature and Ischemic Stroke하경화
2022Effects of short-term exposure to air pollution on hospital admissions for autism spectrum disorder in Korean school-aged children: a nationwide time-series study김경남
2005Exposure to air pollution and pulmonary function in university students.장재연
2022Long-term exposure to air pollution and the blood lipid levels of healthy young men김경남
2022Pre- and postnatal exposure to multiple ambient air pollutants and child behavioral problems at five years of age김경남
2023Prediction of the number of asthma patients using environmental factors based on deep learning algorithms박해심, 장재혁
2022Short-Term Air Pollution Exposure and Risk of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Korea: A National Time-Stratified Case-Crossover Study김대중, 김은진, 정윤정, 최영화, 하경화, 허중연
