Browsing by Keyword : Anesthesia, General

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Showing results 1 to 28 of 28

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2023Association between the first exposure to general anesthesia and alopecia areata김유찬, 최지웅
2022Association of chronic spontaneous urticaria with the first exposure to general anaesthesia김진철, 이은소, 최지웅
2023Comparison of fiberoptic bronchoscopic intubation using silicone and polyvinyl chloride double-lumen tubes강세윤, 유지영, 채윤정
2019Comparison of Pentax Airway Scope and Macintosh laryngoscope for orotracheal intubation in children: A randomised non-inferiority trial김종엽, 이숙영, 이인경
2020Comparison of the i-gel with the AuraGain laryngeal mask airways in patients with a simulated cervical immobilization: a randomized controlled trial허민
2010Comparison of the incidence and severity of cough after alfentanil and remifentanil injection.김종엽, 박성용, 조한범
2023Comparison of the McGRATHTM Video Laryngoscope and Macintosh Laryngoscope for Orotracheal Intubation in a Simulated Difficult Airway Scenario: An Open-Label, Randomized Clinical Trial김종엽, 최종범
2022Determination of the 95% effective dose of remimazolam to achieve loss of consciousness during anesthesia induction in different age groups박성용, 오주연, 이숙영, 조한범
2024Determining the Optimal Dosage of Dexmedetomidine for Smooth Emergence in Older Patients Undergoing Spinal Surgery: A Study of 44 Cases안효은, 유지영, 채윤정
2019Effect of different doses of ketamine with low-dose rocuronium on intubation conditions in children: prospective randomized double blind trial이인경, 채윤정, 황지훈
2015Effect of mild hypocapnia on hemodynamic and bispectral index responses to tracheal intubation during propofol anesthesia in children.김종엽
2010Effect-site concentration of propofol for reduction of remifentanil-induced cough.김대희, 김종엽, 민상기, 이숙영
2016Effect-site concentration of remifentanil for smooth inhalational induction with desflurane유지영, 이숙영, 채윤정
2023Effective dose of remimazolam co-administered with remifentanil to facilitate I-gel insertion without neuromuscular blocking agents: an up-and-down sequential allocation trial박성용, 오주연, 조한범
2018Effects of age on effect-site concentration of remifentanil for suppressing anesthetic emergence cough in male patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy김지은, 김하연, 이숙영
2021Effects of smoking on the optimal effect-site concentration of remifentanil required for preventing cough during anesthetic emergence in male patients undergoing laparoscopic or robotic cholecystectomy김지은, 김하연, 이숙영, 최종범
2021Left paratracheal pressure versus cricoid pressure for successful laryngeal mask airway insertion in adult patients: A randomized, non-inferiority trial김종엽, 민상기, 허민
2016Olfactory dysfunction is related to postoperative delirium in Parkinson's disease윤정한, 홍지만
2018Optimal dose of combined rocuronium and cisatracurium during minor surgery: A randomized trial최종범
2024Remimazolam-flumazenil provides fast recovery from general anesthesia compared to propofol during radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation이서희
2022Safety and Efficacy of the Baska Mask Versus Endotracheal Intubation in 64 Women Undergoing Elective Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery under General Anesthesia: A Prospective Single-Center Study김종엽, 민상기, 안효은
2018Sex-related differences in effect-site concentration of remifentanil for preventing anesthetic emergence cough in elderly patients김지은, 이숙영, 정윤용
2017Suxamethonium induces a prompt increase in the bispectral index김종엽, 김지은, 박성용, 이숙영, 최종범
2024The degree of respiratory depression according to the effect-site concentration in remimazolam target-controlled infusion : A randomised controlled trial김지은, 김하연, 민상기
2013The effect of atropine on the bispectral index response to endotracheal intubation during propofol and remifentanil anesthesia.김종엽, 문봉기
2012The effect of cuff pressure on postoperative sore throat after Cobra perilaryngeal airway김대희, 김종엽, 박관식, 조한범, 채윤정
2016The effect of low-dose dexmedetomidine on hemodynamics and anesthetic requirement during bis-spectral index-guided total intravenous anesthesia김종엽
2018Use of the Bispectral Index to Predict Eye Position of Children during General Anesthesia국경훈, 김대희, 정승아
