Browsing by Keyword : Biopsy, Fine-Needle

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Showing results 1 to 21 of 21

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2016A Multicenter Prospective Validation Study for the Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System in Patients with Thyroid Nodules하은주
2023Comparison between three types of needles for endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition of pancreatic solid masses: a multicenter observational study양민재
2017Complications following US-guided core-needle biopsy for thyroid lesions: a retrospective study of 6,169 consecutive patients with 6,687 thyroid nodules하은주
2020Concordance of Three International Guidelines for Thyroid Nodules Classified by Ultrasonography and Diagnostic Performance of Biopsy Criteria하은주
2014Core needle biopsy can minimise the non-diagnostic results and need for diagnostic surgery in patients with calcified thyroid nodules.하은주
2016Diagnosis of Metastasis to the Thyroid Gland: Comparison of Core-Needle Biopsy and Fine-Needle Aspiration하은주
2012Diagnostic accuracy of biomarkers measured in the hepatic vein and peripheral vein in the prediction of advanced fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis정재연, 조성원
2010Erythematous erosive patch on the left nipple--quiz case. Diagnosis: Extragenital syphilitic chancres.강희영, 김유찬, 이은소
2013Fine-needle aspiration cytology of abdominal wall endometriosis: a study of 10 cases.권지은
2012Fine-needle aspiration cytology with c-kit immunocytochemical staining in the diagnosis of Warthin's tumor권지은
2018Guidelines for Primary Imaging Test and Biopsy Methodsin the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules: Joint Report by the Korean Society of Radiology and National Evidence-Based Healthcare Collaborating Agency하은주
2016Management of Endometrial Hyperplasia With a Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System: A Korean Gynecologic-Oncology Group Study유희석
2018Primary Imaging Test and Appropriate Biopsy Methods for Thyroid Nodules: Guidelines by Korean Society of Radiology and National Evidence-Based Healthcare Collaborating Agency하은주
2012Radiofrequency ablation of benign thyroid nodules and recurrent thyroid cancers: consensus statement and recommendations배재익
2007Sonographic detection of thyroid cancer in breast cancer patients.곽규성
2013Sonographically suspicious thyroid nodules with initially benign cytologic results: the role of a core needle biopsy.하은주
2010Stepwise evolution from a focal pure pulmonary ground-glass opacity nodule into an invasive lung adenocarcinoma: an observation for more than 10 years.이수진
2022Suspicious thyroid nodules 4 cm require a diagnostic lobectomy regardless of their benign fine needle aspiration results김수영, 김형규, 소의영
2015The Role of Core Needle Biopsy and Its Impact on Surgical Management in Patients with Medullary Thyroid Cancer: Clinical Experience at 3 Medical Institutions.하은주
2018US Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy for Thyroid Malignancy: Diagnostic Performance of Seven Society Guidelines Applied to 2000 Thyroid Nodules강소영, 하은주
2015VE1 antibody is not highly specific for the BRAF V600E mutation in thyroid cytology categories with the exception of malignant cases.김대중, 김장희, 소의영, 신승수, 이기범, 이정훈, 임현이, 정선용, 정윤석, 한재호
