Browsing by Keyword : Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2021Association Between Carbon Monoxide Intoxication and Incidence of Ischemic Stroke: A Retrospective Nested Case-Control Study in South Korea김민
2014Carbon monoxide-induced cardiomyopathy.민영기, 박은정, 박진선, 신준한, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2018Neuroprotective effect of ethanol in acute carbon monoxide intoxication: A retrospective study김혁훈, 민영기, 최민정, 최상천
2014Pathophysiology of brain injuries in acute carbon monoxide poisoning: a novel hypothesis.김기운, 민영기, 박은정, 조준필, 최상천
2021Repetitive hyperbaric oxygen therapy for paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after acute carbon monoxide poisoning김혁훈, 정윤석, 최상천
2020Stroke Incidence in Survivors of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in South Korea: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study김혁훈, 민영기, 윤덕용, 이성은, 정윤석, 최상천
2012The usefulness of the serum s100b protein for predicting delayed neurological sequelae in acute carbon monoxide poisoning민영기, 박은정, 이지숙, 정윤석, 최상천
2016Various Echocardiographic Patterns of Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction Induced by Carbon Monoxide Intoxication민영기, 박진선, 서경우, 신준한, 윤명호, 최병주, 최상천, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
