Browsing by Keyword : Collagen Type I

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2003A well-defined in vitro three-dimensional culture of human endometrium and its applicability to endometrial cancer invasion.유희석
2015Biologic response of degenerative living human nucleus pulposus cells to treatment with cytokines.김상현, 조기홍
2021Bone mineral density, bone microstructure, and bone turnover markers in females with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis강정현
2003Bone morphogenetic protein-2 facilitates expression of chondrogenic, not osteogenic, phenotype of human intervertebral disc cells.한경진
2012Chip-based comparison of the osteogenesis of human bone marrow- and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells under mechanical stimulation민병현
2022Conditioned media derived from human fetal progenitor cells improves skin regeneration in burn wound healing민병현, 박도영, 박인수
2021Consensus Statement on the Use of Bone Turnover Markers for Short-Term Monitoring of Osteoporosis Treatment in the Asia-Pacific Region정윤석
2012Dickkopf-1 level is lower in patients with ankylosing spondylitis than in healthy people and is not influenced by anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy김현아, 서창희
2013Early changes in 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and bone markers after monthly risedronate with cholecalciferol in Korean patients with osteoporosis.정윤석
2006Effects of a combined alendronate and calcitriol agent (Maxmarvil) on bone metabolism in Korean postmenopausal women: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.김대중, 정윤석
2005Effects of suppressing intrarenal angiotensinogen on renal transforming growth factor-beta1 expression in acute ureteral obstruction.김욱환, 김흥수, 신규태, 임현이
2011Efficacy of risedronate with cholecalciferol on 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and bone turnover in Korean patients with osteoporosis.정윤석
2016Epithelial-mesenchymal interaction during photodynamic therapy-induced photorejuvenation김수경, 김유선, 김유찬
2014Origin of myofibroblasts in the fibrotic liver in mice.박태준
2013Osteogenesis imperfecta Type VI with severe bony deformities caused by novel compound heterozygous mutations in SERPINF1.손영배
2013Prolonged activation of ERK contributes to the photorejuvenation effect in photodynamic therapy in human dermal fibroblasts.김유선, 김유찬
2017The association of testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, and insulin-like growth factor-1 with bone parameters in Korean men aged 50 years or older김광민, 주남석
2003Urokinase receptor deficiency accelerates renal fibrosis in obstructive nephropathy.김흥수
