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2001 | | Acute actions of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on intracellular Ca(2+) and K(+) currents in human microglia. | 김승업 |
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2001 | | Differential roles of cyclooxygenase isoforms after kainic acid-induced prostaglandin E(2) production and neurodegeneration in cortical and hippocampal cell cultures. | 김은주, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환 |
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2002 | | Generation and characterization of human hybrid neurons produced between embryonic CNS neurons and neuroblastoma cells. | 김승업 |
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2024 | | Ultrasonographic assessment of abnormal fetal growth related to uteroplacental-fetal biometrics and Doppler (U-AID) indices: Protocol for multicenter retrospective cohort study trial | 곽동욱 |