Browsing by Keyword : Gene Deletion

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2013Clinical characterization and molecular classification of 12 Korean patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism.손영배
2000Connexin26 mutations associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss.박기현, 박홍준, 전영명, 한시훈
2011Deletion of SNAP-23 results in pre-implantation embryonic lethality in mice서영호
2019Deletion of the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric Go protein impairs cerebellar cortical development in mice김성수, 서해영, 최정미
2016Development of the main olfactory system and main olfactory epithelium-dependent male mating behavior are altered in Go-deficient mice김성수, 이영돈, 최정미
2002Hrp3, a chromodomain helicase/ATPase DNA binding protein, is required for heterochromatin silencing in fission yeast.이명애
2015Loss of Dfg5 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored membrane protein confers enhanced heat tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.김완기
2010Molecular cytogenetic analysis of Korean patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia.조성란
2013Parthanatos mediates AIMP2-activated age-dependent dopaminergic neuronal loss.강호철
2000Reversion from precore/core promoter mutants to wild-type hepatitis B virus during the course of lamivudine therapy.김진홍, 조성원, 함기백
2014Simultaneous deletion of floxed genes mediated by CaMKIIα-Cre in the brain and in male germ cells: application to conditional and conventional disruption of Goα.김성수, 서해영, 이영돈, 최정미
2005Spontaneous fractures in the mouse mutant sfx are caused by deletion of the gulonolactone oxidase gene, causing vitamin C deficiency.정윤석
