Browsing by Keyword : Gene Therapy

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2004Adenoviral interleukin-3 gene-radiation therapy for prostate cancer in mouse model.오영택
2005Brain transplantation of neural stem cells cotransduced with tyrosine hydroxylase and GTP cyclohydrolase 1 in Parkinsonian rats.김승업, 안영환, 윤수한, 이명애, 조경기
1998Can clamping of splenic vessels prevent abrupt increase of portal vein pressure and migration of transplanted hepatocytes to the liver after intrasplenic hepatocyte transplantation?김명욱, 김욱환, 왕희정, 이재호, 한상욱
1998Engraftable human neural stem cells respond to developmental cues, replace neurons, and express foreign genes.김승업
2004Expression and secretion of human glucocerebrosidase mediated by recombinant lentivirus vectors in vitro and in vivo: implications for gene therapy of Gaucher disease.김현주
2011Gene transfer mediated by stem cell grafts to treat CNS injury.김병곤, 황동훈
2010Histone deacetylase inhibition enhances adenoviral vector transduction in inner ear tissue.정연훈
2005Microglia in health and disease.김승업
1997Prostate attenuated replication competent adenovirus (ARCA) CN706: a selective cytotoxic for prostate-specific antigen-positive prostate cancer cells.임호영
2010The growth of brain tumors can be suppressed by multiple transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells expressing cytosine deaminase.김성수, 김세중, 서해영, 유승완, 이영돈, 장다영, 조경기
2004Tumor-specific gene therapy for uterine cervical cancer using MN/CA9-directed replication-competent adenovirus.김세중, 임호영
2007Using pCIN-mIL-4 DNA vector to express mRNA and protein and to improve herpes simplex virus-induced Behcet's disease symptoms in mice.손성향, 이승임, 이은소
