Browsing by Keyword : Hearing Aids

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2017Cascade recurring deep networks for audible range prediction정연훈, 추옥성
2024Efficacy of the Bonebridge BCI602 for Adult Patients with Single-sided Deafness: A Prospective Multicenter Study장정훈, 정연훈, 하정호
2020Hearing aids are still beneficial to patients, even if they have a low speech discrimination김한태, 박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 추옥성
2024Objective and subjective efficacy of hearing aids in patients with mild-to-moderate unilateral hearing loss: a prospective study박헌이, 장정훈, 정연훈, 하정호
2024Social isolation and its influencing factors among age-related hearing loss patients A cross-sectional study하지연
