Browsing by Keyword : Laryngoscopy

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2018A comparison between McGrath MAC videolaryngoscopy and Macintosh laryngoscopy in children김종엽, 김지은, 이숙영
2022A noninferiority trial comparing left paratracheal pressure versus cricoid pressure on tracheal intubation conditions using the Pentax Airway Scope김종엽, 김하연, 민상기
2009Asystole induced by laryngosopy and tracheal intubation after induction of general anesthesia김대희, 김진수, 박성용, 홍용우, 홍유선
2021Comparison of learning direct laryngoscopy using a McGrath videolaryngoscope as a direct versus indirect laryngoscope: a randomized controlled trial민상기, 이인경, 채윤정
2022Comparison of McGrath videolaryngoscope-assisted insertion versus standard blind technique for flexible laryngeal mask airway insertion in adults김종엽, 민상기, 유지영, 하은지
2020Comparison of McGrath, Pentax, and Macintosh laryngoscope in normal and cervical immobilized manikin by novices: a randomized crossover trial김종엽, 민상기, 이인경
2019Comparison of Pentax Airway Scope and Macintosh laryngoscope for orotracheal intubation in children: A randomised non-inferiority trial김종엽, 이숙영, 이인경
2018Comparison of the McGrath videolaryngoscope and the Macintosh laryngoscope for double lumen endobronchial tube intubation in patients with manual in-line stabilization: A randomized controlled trial김대희, 김종엽, 박성용, 유지영, 함석진
2023Comparison of the McGRATHTM Video Laryngoscope and Macintosh Laryngoscope for Orotracheal Intubation in a Simulated Difficult Airway Scenario: An Open-Label, Randomized Clinical Trial김종엽, 최종범
2017Comparison of the Pentax AirwayScope and McGrath MAC videolaryngoscope for endotracheal intubation in patients with a normal airway김종엽, 이숙영
2019Conditions for laryngeal mask airway placement in terms of oropharyngeal leak pressure: a comparison between blind insertion and laryngoscope-guided insertion김고운, 김종엽, 박성용
2020In reply: Comparing videolaryngoscope and direct laryngoscope use for nasotracheal intubation in patients with manual in-line stabilization김종엽
2016Intubation without use of stylet for McGrath videolaryngoscopy in patients with expected normal airway: A randomized noninferiority trial김종엽, 이숙영
2013Laryngeal pathologies in older Korean adults and their association with smoking and alcohol consumption.이윤환
2016McGrath Video Laryngoscopy Facilitates Routine Nasotracheal Intubation in Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Comparison With Macintosh Laryngoscopy김종엽, 이숙영
2012Postoperative functional voice changes after conventional open or robotic thyroidectomy: a prospective trial김철호, 소의영, 이정훈
2018Predicting effective remifentanil concentration in 95% of patients to prevent emergence cough after laryngomicroscopic surgery김종엽, 김하연, 이숙영
2018Reply to "Scoring system for videolaryngoscopes: CL grade or POGO?"김종엽, 김지은
2017Stylet angulation for routine endotracheal intubation with McGrath videolaryngoscope김종엽, 이숙영, 이지영
