Browsing by Keyword : Long QT Syndrome

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2015Analysis of an ECG record database reveals QT interval prolongation potential of famotidine in a large Korean population.박래웅
2011Analysis of Relationship between Levofloxacin and Corrected QT Prolongation Using a Clinical Data Warehouse김구상, 박래웅, 신승수, 임홍석
2022Data-driven drug-induced QT prolongation surveillance using adverse reaction signals derived from 12-lead and continuous electrocardiogram data임홍석
2023Evaluation of rosuvastatin-induced QT prolongation risk using real-world data, in vitro cardiomyocyte studies, and mortality assessment임홍석
2018Risk Evaluation of Azithromycin-Induced QT Prolongation in Real-World Practice윤덕용, 임홍석, 최영
2021Risk of QT prolongation through drug interactions between hydroxychloroquine and concomitant drugs prescribed in real world practice박범희, 박지은, 임홍석, 정우영, 정윤정
2021The effect of oral ondansetron on QT interval in children with acute gastroenteritis; a retrospective observational study고유라, 양희원, 이지숙, 정수인
2014The pattern of Tpeak-Tend and QT interval, and J wave during therapeutic hypothermia.김기운, 박진선, 신정숙, 신준한, 양형모, 윤명호, 최소연, 탁승제, 황교승
