Browsing by Keyword : Nutritional Status

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2018Association of Inadequate Caloric Supplementation with 30-Day Mortality in Critically Ill Postoperative Patients with High Modified NUTRIC Score정윤태
2022Atrophy of remnant pancreas after pancreatoduodenectomy: Risk factors and effects on quality of life, nutritional status, and pancreatic function정우현
2018Comparison of creatinine index and geriatric nutritional risk index for nutritional evaluation of patients with hemodialysis김흥수, 박인휘, 신규태, 정종철
2022Comparison of nutritional and immunological scoring systems predicting prognosis in T1-2N0 colorectal cancer오승엽
2019Diabetes Fact Sheets in Korea, 2018: An Appraisal of Current Status김대중, 하경화
2021Dietary patterns and frailty in older korean adults: Results from the Korean frailty and aging cohort study김진희, 이윤환
2021Early supplemental parenteral nutrition is associated with reduced mortality in critically ill surgical patients with high nutritional risk심주현
2024Effectiveness of self-management program for gastric cancer patients: A randomized controlled trial comparing gain vs. loss message framing이지예
2018Effects of an individualised nutritional education and support programme on dietary habits, nutritional knowledge and nutritional status of older adults living alone김춘자, 안정아
2023Isocaloric nutritional support reduces ventilator duration time in major trauma patients권준식, 최동환
2016Milk Consumption and Framingham Risk Score: Analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data (2008-2011)박수정, 양성원, 주남석
2011Moderating effects of interactions between dietary intake and socioeconomic status on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome전기홍
2018Polyamine patterns in plasma of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and fever김현아, 서창희, 이광, 정주양
2021Prospective multicentre randomised clinical trial comparing survival rates, quality of life and nutritional status between advanced gastric cancer patients with different follow-up intensities: Study protocol for the STOFOLUP trial허훈
2024Quality of Life and Nutritional Outcomes of Stomach-Preserving Surgery for Early Gastric Cancer A Secondary Analysis of the SENORITA Randomized Clinical Trial허훈
2011Relation between nutritional risk and metabolic syndrome in the elderly.김혜진, 이관우, 임기영, 홍창형
2010Systematic review of health behavioral risks and cognitive health in older adults.이윤환, 홍창형
