Browsing by Keyword : Triage

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2010A computerized in-hospital alert system for thrombolysis in acute stroke.홍지만
2017A plan for strengthening pediatric emergency care: establishment of pediatric certified emergency center이지숙
2022Accuracy and influencing factors of the Field Triage Decision Scheme for adult trauma patients at a level-1 trauma center in Korea강병희, 정경원, 허요
2002An Analysis of Triage and Transportation on Multiple-Casualty Incidents in Rural Area오세현, 조준필
2021Emergency Department Utilization by In-hospital Healthcare Workers after COVID-19 Vaccination박민지, 최상천, 최유진
2024Inter hospital external validation of interpretable machine learning based triage score for the emergency department using common data model박래웅
2020Stepwise stroke recognition through clinical information, vital signs, and initial labs (CIVIL): Electronic health record-based observational cohort study이성은, 이성준, 이윤환, 이진수, 최문희, 홍지만
2016Triple rule-out computed tomography for risk stratification of patients with acute chest pain최민정
2010응급 중증도 지표를 이용한 응급실 진료 프로토콜의 평가이정아, 조준필
