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Microemulsion of erythromycine for transdermal drug delivery.

Seo, HW | Kim, GH | Kim, DY | Yoon, SM | Kwon, JS | Kang, WS | Lee, B | Kim, JH | Min, BH  | Kim, MS
Journal of applied polymer science, 128(6). : 4277-4282, 2013
Journal Title
Journal of applied polymer science
The aim of this work was to prepare an erythromycin (EM) microemulsion (EM- microemulsion) for transdermal EM delivery using isotropic mixtures of oil and aqueous phases. The prepared EM-microemulsion is a white dispersion, with a suitable viscosity for transdermal delivery. In stability experiments, the EM-microemulsion showed no marked change in appearance for up to 3 weeks at 25°C. In accelerated stability experiments at 37 and 60°C, however, precipitated crystalline EM particles were observed in the EM-microemulsion. Diffusion of EM into the skin exhibited a first order release profile. Fluorescein (FL)-microemulsion penetrated to the dermis layer of skin. In conclusion, we confirmed that EM-microemulsion could serve as an excellent transdermal carrier of EM.
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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Orthopedic Surgery
Ajou Authors
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