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The current status and issue of food allergen labeling in Korea

Other Title
국내 알레르기 유발식품 표시제의 현황과 문제점
Jeon, YH | Kim, HH | Park, YM | Jang, GC | Kim, HY | Yum, HY | Kim, J | Ahn, K | Min, TK | Pyun, BY | Lee, S  | Kim, KW | Kim, YH | Lee, J | Lee, SY | Kim, WK | Song, TW | Kim, JH | Lee, YJ | The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Diseases, Food Allergy and Atopic Dermatitis Study Group
Allergy asthma & respiratory disease, 7(2). : 67-72, 2019
Journal Title
Allergy asthma & respiratory disease
With increasing need to prevent serious food allergy reactions, Korean food allergen labeling regulation has been revised repeatedly. This paper aims to summarize current statuses of food allergen labeling in Korea and foreign countries and to analyze the issue of food allergen labeling regulation. Korean food labeling regulation currently requires 19 items and 22 foods to be reported on labels (eggs, milk, buckwheat, peanut, soybean, wheat, mackerel, crab, shrimp, pork, peach, tomato, sulfite, walnut, chicken, beef, squid, shellfish, and pine nut). However, some common food triggers (for example, almond, cashew nut, and kiwi fruit) are not included in the current labeling regulation. Another issue is that the Korean labeling regulation has not yet been fully implemented for nonprepacked foods; thus, consumers still have difficulty in correctly identifying allergenic ingredients in food. It should be assessed whether warning statements for cross-contamination are reasonable. To prevent the occurrence of serious reactions from accidental ingestion, efforts must be made to solve recently raised issues including the items required to be listed on food labels, the system of standards for labeling and display methods.

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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Ajou Authors
이, 수영
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