BACKGROUND: Pet ownership is increasing rapidly and as growing numbers of dogs in household, clinicians are facing more allergic patients and so as in young children. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to profile the IgE recognition patterns to aeroallergen components in young children sensitized to dogs. METHODS: Through retrospective chart reviews, we evaluated the clinical, environmental, and laboratory findings of patients sensitized to dogs in early life. We further evaluated specific IgE to dog component allergens (Can f 1, Can f 2, and Can f 3) and other aeroallergens using a microarray. RESULTS: The median age of 28 patients sensitized to dogs (dog-specific IgE >/= 0.35 kU/L; 0.38-101 kU/L) was 61 months and underlying diseases included doctor diagnosed atopic dermatitis (n = 17), asthma (n = 7), and allergic rhinitis (n = 5). Twenty patients (71.4%) had experienced self-reported dog allergy and 70.0% of them were symptomatic after exposed to dogs from others. Component-resolved diagnosis was performed on 18 patients. Can f 1 positivity was the most common (77.8%) but had no value in symptom prediction. The most common cosensitized aeroallergen was house dust mites (44.5%). The symptomatic group tended to be poly-sensitized to Can f 1, Can f 2, and Can f 3. CONCLUSION: Can f 1 was dominantly detected and poly-sensitized to Can f 2 and/or Can f 3 simultaneously tend to develop hypersensitivity to dogs in young children. Most of them were exposed to dogs not living with.