BACKGROUND: A paucity of studies evaluating failed cases of ABO grouping using autoanalyzers exists. We investigated autoanalyzer rejected cases, including serologically suspicious ABO subgroups and discrepant ABO blood grouping results from Erytra Eflexis (Grifols, Spain), to demonstrate efficient use of autoanalyzers for ABO grouping. METHODS: Samples requested for ABO grouping throughout 2020 were tested using two Eflexis instruments and standard ABO RhD and reverse grouping cards. Neonatal cards were not used. When necessary, a conventional tube technique (TUBE) was used to resolve rejected/discrepant Eflexis ABO grouping results. RESULTS: The overall sample rejection rate (RR) was 3.2% (628/19,466), 1.3% of which were due to various error flags and 1.9% for discrepant results. Cases from neonates