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LC3B drives transcription-Associated homologous recombination via direct interaction with R-loops

Yoon, J | Hwang, Y | Yun, H | Chung, JM | Kim, S  | Kim, G | Lee, Y | Lee, BD | Kang, HC
Nucleic acids research, 52(9). : 5088-5106, 2024
Journal Title
Nucleic acids research
Exploring the connection between ubiquitin-like modifiers (ULMs) and the DNA damage response (DDR), we employed several advanced DNA damage and repair assay techniques and identified a crucial role for LC3B. Notably, its RNA recognition motif (RRM) plays a pivotal role in the context of transcription-Associated homologous recombination (HR) repair (TA-HRR), a particular subset of HRR pathways. Surprisingly, independent of autophagy flux, LC3B interacts directly with R-loops at DNA lesions within transcriptionally active sites via its RRM, promoting TA-HRR. Using native RNA immunoprecipitation (nRIP) coupled with high-Throughput sequencing (nRIP-seq), we discovered that LC3B also directly interacts with the 3′UTR AU-rich elements (AREs) of BRCA1 via its RRM, influencing its stability. This suggests that LC3B regulates TA-HRR both proximal to and distal from DNA lesions. Data from our LC3B depletion experiments showed that LC3B knockdown disrupts end-resection for TA-HRR, redirecting it towards the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway and leading to chromosomal instability, as evidenced by alterations in sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and interchromosomal fusion (ICF). Thus, our findings unveil autophagy-independent functions of LC3B in DNA damage and repair pathways, highlighting its importance. This could reshape our understanding of TA-HRR and the interaction between autophagy and DDR.

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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Physiology
Ajou Authors
강, 호철  |  김, 소연
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