OBJECTIVES: To reconstruct the 3D structures of normal ossicles and ossicles destroyed by different cholesteatomas, and to compare the volume fractions of the two types of ossicles.
MATERIALS AND METHOD: Thirteen pathological ossicles from four kinds of middle ear cholesteatoma obtained during surgery were used. Normal ossicles harvested from cadaveric temporal bone specimens were used as controls. The structures of the ossicles were analyzed using micro-CT by filming 2D cross-sectional images perpendicular to the long axis, from which 3D images were reconstructed. The volume fraction was measured using a CT-Analyzer and Ant.
RESULTS: The volume fraction, indicating the relative strength of normal ossicles, was lower in the portion close to the articular surface. As the four types of cholesteatoma were found to express their patterns of destruction at various sites in the ossicles, they revealed a different volume fraction in each ossicle.
CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data on ossicular structure obtained using micro-CT will be helpful for elucidating the normal and pathological structure of ossicles and for the further development of artificial prostheses.