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A Case of Midbrain Infarction Presenting with Dysarthria

Other Title
구음장애로 발현된 중뇌경색 1예
박, 선아 | 주, 인수 | 허, 균
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association : neurology, 14(2). : 654-656, 1996
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association : neurology
The common causal lesions of pure dysarthria syndrome were known as anterior or posterior internal capsule, genu of internal capsule, adjacent corona radiata, or pons. And there are a few reports showed that bilateral small thalamic infarctions or paravermal cerebellar infarction also caused pure dysarthria.

The rostral cerebellum, especially paravermal region is thought to have a major role in coordination of speech. The paravermal region is intimately connected to caudal red nucleus. We report a patient with acute dysarthria and minimal contralateral

limb ataxia, in whom the causal lesion was in caudal red nucleus and superior part of decussation of brachium conjunctivum.
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Journal Papers > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Unclassified
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