Abstract-associated work is a painstaking part of every annual scientific meetings of professional societies . Abstracts have to be received via mail and delivered to the editorial board committee for the committee members to screen the quality and format of the meeting presentations. There are some professional societies that use a web-based abstract receiving system but this is limited only to the reception of abstracts. The work, thus, exhausts time, money and labor. With this in mind, we developed a new automated system which is fully web-based, making possible the reception, selection and publication of the abstracts. This was first applied to the 2001 Korean Society of Pathologists Fall Meeting(http://www.pathology.or.kr/abstract.htm). The overall selecting and electronic-publishing process took only few days. In addition to the convenience, the members of society were able to not only save time but also money. In order to make this possible, an electronic abstract book and a stand-alone executable program were distributed through the Internet (http://www.pathology.or.kr/way-board/db/File_Archives/file/Path2001.EXE).