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Hair calcium concentration is associated with calcium intake and bone mineral density

Other Title
모발 내 칼슘 농도와 연관된 칼슘 섭취와 골밀도
박, 수정
김, 범택
대학원 의학과
Master (2012)
Background : Calcium concentration in hair representing intracellular calcium level, is associated with systemic diseases such as coronary artery disease. However there is no previous study to show how hair calcium level is regulated. The aim of the study is to investigate whether hair calcium concentration is related to calcium intake and calcium contents in bone - bone mineral density(BMD).

Methods : Observational research was conducted with 63 women aged above 30 year old who visited a university hospital in Suwon, Korea. Depending on concentration of hair calcium, participants were divided into quartiles to compare their calcium intake and BMD.

Results : There was no difference in demographic, anthropometric and biochemical characteristics between the highest quartile of hair calcium concentration and the rest of the quartiles. However the highest quartile ingested significantly less calcium than the rest of the quartiles.(p<0.05) The highest quartile of hair calcium concentration also demonstrated significantly lower BMD and T-score at L1-4 vertebrae than the rest.(p<0.05)

Conclusion : High hair calcium concentration is associated with low calcium intake and low BMD.

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Theses > School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine > Master
Ajou Authors
김, 범택  |  박, 수정
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