Browsing by Keyword : Artificial intelligence

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Showing results 1 to 26 of 26

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2022A Deep Residual U-Net Algorithm for Automatic Detection and Quantification of Ascites on Abdominopelvic Computed Tomography Images Acquired in the Emergency Department: Model Development and Validation김재근, 이제희, 허지미
2024Accuracy of posteroanterior cephalogram landmarks and measurements identification using a cascaded convolutional neural network algorithm: A multicenter study김영호
2022An artificial intelligence electrocardiogram analysis for detecting cardiomyopathy in the peripartum period진우람
2019Application of deep learning to the diagnosis of cervical lymph node metastasis from thyroid cancer with CT하은주
2021Applications of machine learning and deep learning to thyroid imaging: Where do we stand?하은주
2022Artificial intelligence and machine learning on diagnosis and classification of hip fracture: systematic review김정택
2023Artificial Intelligence for Neurosurgery: Current State and Future Directions김상현, 노성현, 조평구
2022Artificial intelligence for predicting survival following deceased donor liver transplantation: Retrospective multi-center study김봉완
2023Artificial Intelligence in Gastric Cancer Imaging With Emphasis on Diagnostic Imaging and Body Morphometry허지미
2023Artificial Intelligence in the Pathology of Gastric Cancer김석휘
2022Artificial intelligence versus physicians on interpretation of printed ECG images: Diagnostic performance of ST-elevation myocardial infarction on electrocardiography고유라, 박민지, 소문승, 최유진
2022Artificial intelligence–powered programmed death ligand 1 analyser reduces interobserver variation in tumour proportion score for non–small cell lung cancer with better prediction of immunotherapy response김석휘
2021Automated detection of acute myocardial infarction using asynchronous electrocardiogram signals-preview of implementing artificial intelligence with multichannel electrocardiographs obtained from smartwatches: Retrospective study임홍석
2020Clinical evaluation of atlas- and deep learning-based automatic segmentation of multiple organs and clinical target volumes for breast cancer정승연
2018Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules via Ultrasonography: Initial Clinical Experience강소영, 하은주, 한미란
2019Computer-aided diagnosis system for thyroid nodules on ultrasonography: diagnostic performance and reproducibility based on the experience level of operators김혜진, 하은주, 한미란
2024Concepts for the Development of Person-Centered, Digitally Enabled, Artificial Intelligence–Assisted ARIA Care Pathways (ARIA 2024)박해심
2020Development and Validation of a Deep Learning System for Segmentation of Abdominal Muscle and Fat on Computed Tomography허지미
2023Development of a machine learning-based fine-grained risk stratification system for thyroid nodules using predefined clinicoradiological features이다현, 하은주
2020Discovering hidden information in biosignals from patients using artificial intelligence윤덕용
2023Effect of Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning on Prediction of Hip Fracture Risk: Systematic Review김정택
2022Electrocardiographic biomarker based on machine learning for detecting overt hyperthyroidism박래웅, 소문승, 전자영, 진우람
2023Generative Adversarial Network-Based Image Conversion Among Different Computed Tomography Protocols and Vendors: Effects on Accuracy and Variability in Quantifying Regional Disease Patterns of Interstitial Lung Disease선주성, 유슬기
2024Multimodal Model for Predicting Fetal Acidosis in Delivery Room김미란, 염선형, 장혜진, 조은애, 황경주
2023Prognostic artificial intelligence model to predict 5 year survival at 1 year after gastric cancer surgery based on nutrition and body morphometry한상욱, 허지미, 허훈
2019Real-World Performance of Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Thyroid Nodules Using Ultrasonography하은주, 한미란
