Browsing by Keyword : Binding, Competitive

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2002Changes in the antigenic and immunoglobulin E-binding properties of hen's egg albumin with the combination of heat and gamma irradiation treatment.이수영
2005Changes in the antigenic and immunoglobulin E-binding properties of hen's egg albumin with the combination of heat and gamma irradiation treatment.이수영
1999Characterization of angiotensin II antagonism displayed by SK-1080, a novel nonpeptide AT1-receptor antagonist.이수환, 정이숙
1995E1a activation of insulin receptor gene expression is mediated by Sp1-binding sites.서해영
2006Pharmacological profile of KR-33028, a highly selective inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchanger.정이숙
2002Production and characterization of an anti-idiotypic single chain Fv that recognizes an anti-DNA antibody.권명희, 김형일, 박선, 신호준, 장영주
2003Specific modulation of the anti-DNA autoantibody-nucleic acids interaction by the high affinity RNA aptamer.장영주
2003T cell reactivity to MHC class II-bound self peptides in systemic lupus erythematosus-prone MRL/lpr mice.서창희
