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정, 이숙 Not currently indexed
[School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine] - [Physiology]

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Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2011Antiplatelet effects of Cyperus rotundus and its component (+)-nootkatone정이숙
2010Characterization of a cinnamoyl derivative from broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) florets.정이숙
2010The effect of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger-1 inhibition by sabiporide on blood-brain barrier dysfunction after ischemia/hypoxia in vivo and in vitro.정이숙
2010Differential regulation of proliferation and differentiation in neural precursor cells by the Jak pathway.문창현, 백은주, 서해영, 우현구, 이수환, 정이숙
2010Hypoglycemic Effects of Fruits and Vegetables in Hyperglycemic Rats for Prevention of Type-2 Diabetes.정이숙
2010Gadd45beta is a novel mediator of cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by ischaemia/hypoxia.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2010Hypoxic stress up-regulates the expression of Toll-like receptor 4 in macrophages via hypoxia-inducible factor.정이숙
2010Role of PKCbetaII and PKCdelta in blood-brain barrier permeability during aglycemic hypoxia.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2009Cadmium stimulates the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and JNK activation in cerebrovascular endothelial cells.김유미, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2009Methanolic extract of onion (Allium cepa) attenuates ischemia/hypoxia-induced apoptosis in cardiomyocytes via antioxidant effect.김미영, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2009Calpain-mediated N-cadherin proteolytic processing in brain injury.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2009Effects of KR-33028, a novel Na+/H+ exchanger-1 inhibitor, on glutamate-induced neuronal cell death and ischemia-induced cerebral infarct.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2008Synthesis and biological activities of Aklyl thiosulfi(o)nates.정이숙
2008Involvement of endogenous prostaglandin F2alpha on kainic acid-induced seizure activity through FP receptor: the mechanism of proconvulsant effects of COX-2 inhibitors.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2008Norepinephrine- and epinephrine-induced distinct beta2-adrenoceptor signaling is dictated by GRK2 phosphorylation in cardiomyocytes.정이숙
2008Cadmium induces apoptotic cell death through p38 MAPK in brain microvessel endothelial cells.김유미, 문창현, 백은주, 손성향, 이수환, 정이숙
2007Cadmium-induced E-cadherin Expression in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2007Neuronal Adhesion Molecules in Neuronal Injury문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2007Pharmacodynamic characteristics and cardioprotective effects of new NHE1 inhibitors.정이숙
2007Anti-hypertensive effect of the Dongchunghacho, Isaria sinclairii, in the spontaneously hypertensive rats.문창현, 이수환, 정이숙
2007Lysophosphatidic acid induces thrombogenic activity through phosphatidylserine exposure and procoagulant microvesicle generation in human erythrocytes.정이숙
2006Cadmium-induced COX-2 Expression in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2006Diazoxide acts more as a PKC-epsilon activator, and indirectly activates the mitochondrial K(ATP) channel conferring cardioprotection against hypoxic injury.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2006COX-2 is associated with cadmium-induced ICAM-1 expression in cerebrovascular endothelial cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2006Pharmacological profile of KR-33028, a highly selective inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchanger.정이숙
2005Protective effect of KR-31378 on oxidative stress in cardiac myocytes문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2005KR-32570, a novel Na+/H+ exchanger-1 inhibitor, attenuates hypoxia-induced cell death through inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ overload and mitochondrial death pathway in H9c2 cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2005Effects of sabiporide, a specific Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor, on neuronal cell death and brain ischemia.김승업, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2005Arachidonic acid induces neuronal death through lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 rather than cyclooxygenase.권경자, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2005Activation of protein kinase C-delta attenuates kainate-induced cell death of cortical neurons.김승업, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2004KR-31378, a novel benzopyran analog, attenuates hypoxia-induced cell death via mitochondrial KATP channel and protein kinase C-epsilon in heart-derived H9c2 cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2004Neuroprotection by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate involves ROS alterations via p38 MAPK/ERK.권경자, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2004Cadmium stimulates the expression of ICAM-1 via NF-kappaB activation in cerebrovascular endothelial cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2004Role for PKC-epsilon in neuronal death induced by oxidative stress.김승업, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2004Identification of caspase-independent PKCepsilon-JNK/p38 MAPK signaling module in response to metabolic inhibition in H9c2 cells.정이숙
2003KR-31466, a benzopyranylindol analog, attenuates hypoxic injury through mitochondrial K(ATP) channel and protein kinase C activation in heart-derived H9c2 cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정윤석, 정이숙, 조준필
2003N-nitrosocarbofuran induces apoptosis in mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells (bEnd.3).문창현, 백은주, 손성향, 이수환, 정이숙
2003High-glucose induced protective effect against hypoxic injury is associated with maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2003Isoform-specific induction of PKC-epsilon by high glucose protects heart-derived H9c2 cells against hypoxic injury.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정의명, 정이숙
2002Antithrombotic effect of onion in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2001Rutaecarpine, a quinazolinocarboline alkaloid, inhibits prostaglandin production in RAW264.7 macrophages.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2000Protein kinase C inhibitors attenuate protective effect of high glucose against hypoxic injury in H9c2 cardiac cells.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2000Mechanism for antiplatelet effect of onion: AA release inhibition, thromboxane A(2)synthase inhibition and TXA(2)/PGH(2)receptor blockade.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
1999Systemically administered capsazepine prevents the capsaicin-induced functional desensitization and loss of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI) in guinea-pig bronchi.문창현, 정이숙
1999Protein kinase C inhibitors abolish the increased resistance of diabetic rat heart to ischemia-reperfusion injury.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
1999Pharmacological characterization of KR-30988, a novel non-peptide AT1 receptor antagonist, in rat, rabbit and dog.이수환, 정이숙
1999Characterization of angiotensin II antagonism displayed by SK-1080, a novel nonpeptide AT1-receptor antagonist.이수환, 정이숙
1998Effect of MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) and LCT (long-chain triglyceride) on Myocardial Ischemiaf Reperfusion Injury and Platelet Aggregation in Rat백은주, 왕희정, 이수환, 이희주, 정이숙, 홍정
1998Capsaicin-induced desensitization is prevented by capsazepine but not by ruthenium red in guinea pig bronchi.문창현, 정이숙
1998Pharmacokinetics of losartan and its metabolite, EXP3174, after intravenous and oral administration of losartan to rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus.문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 이희주, 정이숙
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