Browsing by Keyword : Chromosome Segregation

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2005Identification and purification of a soluble region of BubR1: a critical component of the mitotic checkpoint complex.강엽
2004Isolation and characterization of a novel DNA methyltransferase complex linking DNMT3B with components of the mitotic chromosome condensation machinery.김완기
2015Sirt1 Regulates Microtubule Dynamics Through Negative Regulation of Plk1 in Mitosis.조혜성
2021Spatiotemporal coordination of the RSF1-PLK1-Aurora B cascade establishes mitotic signaling platforms강호철, 민선우, 이재호, 이호수, 조혜성
2018The chromatin remodeler RSF1 controls centromeric histone modifications to coordinate chromosome segregation김유선, 유영석, 이영수, 이호수, 조혜성, 채선영
