Browsing by Keyword : Coculture Techniques

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Showing results 1 to 37 of 37

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2015Ablation of osteopontin suppresses N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric cancer development in mice.한상욱
2012An anti-nucleic acid antibody delivers antigen to the cross-presentation pathway in dendritic cells and potentiates therapeutic antitumor effects권명희, 박선
2019An Important Role of Macrophages for Wound Margin Regeneration in a Murine Flap Model김철호, 노진, 신유섭, 장전엽
2005Arachidonic acid induces neuronal death through lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 rather than cyclooxygenase.권경자, 문창현, 백은주, 이수환, 정이숙
2018B7H1mediated immunosuppressive properties in human mesenchymal stem cells are mediated by STAT1 and not PI3K/Akt signaling노오규, 박준은, 정현주
2018beta-Adrenergic receptor agonists attenuate pericyte loss in diabetic retinas through Akt activation이기황
2002Brain-derived neurotrophic factor can act as a pronecrotic factor through transcriptional and translational activation of NADPH oxidase.곽병주, 김선희, 손성향, 원석준
2015CCL2 Mediates Neuron-Macrophage Interactions to Drive Proregenerative Macrophage Activation Following Preconditioning Injury.김병곤, 김은영, 최준영, 황동훈
2020Co-Culturing of Endothelial and Cancer Cells in a Nanofibrous Scaffold-Based Two-Layer System곽종영
2013Contribution of macrophages to enhanced regenerative capacity of dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons by conditioning injury.김병곤, 황동훈
2011Cross-species hybridization of microarrays for studying tumor transcriptome of brain metastasis우현구
1996Cyclosporine induces neuronal apoptosis and selective oligodendrocyte death in cortical cultures.곽병주
2004Ectopic expression of the catalytic subunit of telomerase protects against brain injury resulting from ischemia and NMDA-induced neurotoxicity.곽병주
2003Effects of hepatocyte growth factor on the expression of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors during the endometrial cancer invasion in a three-dimensional coculture.유희석, 장기홍
2017Glutamate dehydrogenase as a neuroprotective target against brain ischemia and reperfusion강엽, 백은주, 이수환, 이재호
2014Hepatitis C virus attenuates interferon-induced major histocompatibility complex class I expression and decreases CD8+ T cell effector functions.윤사라, 최용준
2017Immunologic characteristics of human gingival fibroblasts in response to oral bacteria지숙
2003Immunological characterizations of a cloned 13.1-kilodalton protein from pathogenic Naegleria fowleri.김경민, 김형일, 박선, 손성향, 신호준
2004Increased levels of IgG to cytokeratin 19 in sera of patients with toluene diisocyanate-induced asthma.김승현, 남동호, 박해심, 서창희
2006Ionizing radiation induces astrocyte gliosis through microglia activation.조은혜
2001Localization of matrix metalloproteinases on endometrial cancer cell invasion in vitro.박영한, 유희석, 장기홍
2012Microbial heat shock protein 65 attenuates airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation by modulating the function of dendritic cells신유섭
2018Neuron-Macrophage Co-cultures to Activate Macrophages Secreting Molecular Factors with Neurite Outgrowth Activity김병곤
2007Neuroprotective effect of nicotine on dopaminergic neurons by anti-inflammatory action.안영환, 이광, 이필휴, 정은숙, 진병관
2009On the mechanism of internalization of alpha-synuclein into microglia: roles of ganglioside GM1 and lipid raft.박상면, 주일로
1999Prevention of neuronal apoptosis by phorbol ester-induced activation of protein kinase C: blockade of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase.곽병주
2018Role of clusterin/progranulin in toluene diisocyanate-induced occupational asthma김승현, 박해심, 신유섭, 예영민
2020Senescent Fibroblast-Derived GDF15 Induces Skin Pigmentation강희영, 박태준
2003Sonic hedgehog and FGF8 collaborate to induce dopaminergic phenotypes in the Nurr1-overexpressing neural stem cell.김승업, 이명애, 이용범
2021Synergistic effect of three-dimensional coculture and photobiomodulation therapy on vascularized liver spheroid formation by stem cells박인수
2013Synergistic effects of nanotopography and co-culture with endothelial cells on osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells.정연훈
2019Targeting interleukin-6 as a strategy to overcome stroma-induced resistance to chemotherapy in gastric cancer손상용, 이다근, 최경숙, 한상욱, 함인혜, 허훈
2010Therapeutic potential of bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiated with growth-factor-free coculture method in liver-injured rats.이천주
2016Three-dimensional culture and interaction of cancer cells and dendritic cells in an electrospun nano-submicron hybrid fibrous scaffold곽종영, 김창근
2005Thrombin-activated microglia contribute to death of dopaminergic neurons in rat mesencephalic cultures: dual roles of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways.진병관
2014Tissue-engineered tracheal reconstruction using chondrocyte seeded on a porcine cartilage-derived substance scaffold.김철호, 민병현, 신유섭, 장재원
2012Vimentin phosphorylation by Cdc2 in Schwann cell controls axon growth via β1-integrin activation김병곤
