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Showing results 1 to 51 of 7039

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
201610-year trajectory of beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity in the development of type 2 diabetes: a community-based prospective cohort study조남한
200716q-linked autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia in a Korean family.김현주, 이필휴, 정선용
2019(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is correlated with the pathological necrosis and decreased microvessel density in lung adenocarcinomas고영화, 이수진
201018F-FDG PET and MRS of the early stages of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in a child with a normal initial MRI.정다은
201420(S)-Ginsenoside Rg3 is a novel inhibitor of autophagy and sensitizes hepatocellular carcinoma to doxorubicin.김유선, 이다겸, 최경숙
20182017 Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation Guideline: Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology하은주
20192018 Guidelines for the management of dyslipidemia김혜진
20192019 ARIA Care pathways for allergen immunotherapy박해심
20192019 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Korea김대중
20212020 imaging guidelines for thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer: Korean society of thyroid radiology하은주
20212021 clinical practice guidelines for diabetes mellitus in Korea김대중
20212021 Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System and Imaging-Based Management of Thyroid Nodules: Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology Consensus Statement and Recommendations하은주
20242023 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Management in Korea: Full Version Recommendation of the Korean Diabetes Association김대중, 김혜진
20232023 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus of the Korean Diabetes Association김대중, 김혜진
20242023 Korean Multidisciplinary Guidelines for Colon Cancer Management: Summary of Radiological Points윤준기
201325-Hydroxyvitamin D, calcium intake, and bone mineral content in adolescents and young adults: analysis of the fourth and fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV-2, 3, 2008-2009 and V-1, 2010).주남석
20243D Bioprinting Strategies for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering박도영
20043D micro-CT images of ossicles destroyed by middle ear cholesteatoma.문성균, 박기현, 원예연
20183D microvascular analysis reveals irregularly branching blood vessels in the hyperpigmented skin of solar lentigo강희영
20203D photogrammetric analysis in hump nose correction based on nasal tip projection without dorsal augmentation in Asian rhinoplasty김민지
20224-O-Methylascochlorin-Mediated BNIP-3 Expression Controls the Balance of Apoptosis and Autophagy in Cervical Carcinoma Cells곽종영
20125, 8, 11, 14-eicosatetraynoic acid suppresses CCL2/MCP-1 expression in IFN-γ-stimulated astrocytes by increasing MAPK phosphatase-1 mRNA stability우주홍, 이지훈, 조은혜, 주일로
20075-fluorouracil, mitomycin-C, and polysaccharide-K adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy for locally advanced gastric cancer: the prognostic significance of frequent perineural invasion김명욱, 김영배, 김효철, 박준성, 조용관, 주희재, 최진혁, 한상욱
20135-Fluorouracil, mitomycin-c, and polysaccharide-k versus uracil-ftorafur and polysaccharide-K as adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy for patients with locally advanced gastric cancer with curative resection.강석윤, 박준성, 안미선, 이광재, 이순영, 이현우, 정성현, 조용관, 최진혁, 한상욱
20115-Lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) inhibitor MK-0591 prevents aberrant alveolarization in newborn mice exposed to 85% oxygen in a dose- and time-dependent manner.박문성
199567Gallium scans in Löfgren's syndrome.박찬희
20248-Iso-prostaglandin F2α as a biomarker of type 2 low airway inflammation and remodeling in adult asthma박해심
20049-Hydroxypheophorbide alpha-induced apoptotic death of MCF-7 breast cancer cells is mediated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation.강엽, 손성향
2020A 12-week multidomain intervention for late-life depression: a community-based randomized controlled trial노현웅, 박범희, 손상준, 조선미, 최진욱, 홍창형
1996A 16-year experience with 1275 primary living donor kidney transplants: univariate and multivariate analysis of risk factors affecting graft survival.오창권
2017A 3-Dimensional Analysis of the Fracture Planes in Pediatric Lateral Humeral Condyle Fractures for Image-Based Pin Positioning During Fixation박도영, 이두형, 조재호, 최완선
1997A 5-nucleotide insertion in the antithrombin gene causing a quantitative antithrombin deficiency.한시훈
2020A 5-year Retrospective Analysis of Drug Survival, Safety, and Effectiveness of the Infliximab Biosimilar CT-P13 in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis서창희
2021A 9-Year Comparison of Dementia Prevalence in Korea: Results of NaSDEK 2008 and 2017손상준
2014A biochemical and physicochemical comparison of two recombinant enzymes used for enzyme replacement therapies of hunter syndrome.손영배
2012A biomechanical comparison of tibial back side fixation between suspensory and expansion mechanisms in trans-tibial posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction한승환
2013A biphasic tumor consisting of pilocytic astrocytoma with an anaplastic solitary fibrous tumor component in the pineal region: a case report and literature review.조진모
2021A blood-based transcriptomic signature for noninvasive diagnosis of gastric cancer허훈
2011A bonelike protrusion on the toe--quiz case.김유찬
2016A Case of Amyloidosis Presenting as Chronic Cholecystitis, Misdiagnosed as Polymyalgia Rheumatica강준구, 김현아
2012A case of cimetidine-induced immediate hypersensitivity박해심, 예영민, 유혜수
2024A Case of Congenital Smooth Muscle Hamartoma With Nevus Depigmentosus김유찬
2006A case of cutaneous ciliated cyst on the umbilicus mimicking omphalomesenteric duct cyst and urachal cyst.김유찬
2010A case of generalized urticaria caused by arrowroot ingestion.김정은, 김주희, 박해심, 예영민, 최길순
2005A case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by Penicillium species in a home environment.박해심
2014A case of IgG4-related disease with bronchial asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis in Korea.박해심, 신유섭, 유혜수, 조효정
2010A case of non-involuting congenital haemangioma with multiple epidermal cysts.박명철, 이일재
2006A case of occupational asthma and rhinitis caused by Sanyak and Korean ginseng dusts.박해심
2016A case of occupational contact dermatitis caused by N-acetylcysteine김승현, 박해심, 신유섭
2015A case of pagetoid reticulosis treated with fractional laser-assisted photodynamic therapy.김유찬
2010A case of pigmentary orthochromatic leukodystrophy with findings of proton MR spectroscopy and serial brain MRIs.김세혁, 김장희, 문소영, 홍지만
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