Browsing by Keyword : Neurogenesis

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2008Analysis of Therapeutic Effect after Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in Ischemic Stroke Rat이광, 이문옥
2020Atm deficiency in the DNA polymerase beta null cerebellum results in cerebellar ataxia and Itpr1 reduction associated with alteration of cytosine methylation모정순, 이영수
2016Comparative Gene Expression Analysis of the Coronal Pulp and Apical Pulp Complex in Human Immature Teeth김승혜
2016Development of the main olfactory system and main olfactory epithelium-dependent male mating behavior are altered in Go-deficient mice김성수, 이영돈, 최정미
2010Differential regulation of proliferation and differentiation in neural precursor cells by the Jak pathway.문창현, 백은주, 서해영, 우현구, 이수환, 정이숙
2015Effect of whole-body exposure to the 848.5 MHz code division multiple access (CDMA) electromagnetic field on adult neurogenesis in the young, healthy rat brain.김혜선, 안영환
2020Genome-Wide Analysis Identifies NURR1-Controlled Network of New Synapse Formation and Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Neural Stem Cells이명애
2009Long-term cultured skeletal muscle-derived neural precursor cells and their neurogenic potentials.김소연
2015Monolayer Graphene-Directed Growth and Neuronal Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.김연주, 정연훈
2016PINK1 expression increases during brain development and stem cell differentiation, and affects the development of GFAP-positive astrocytes박상면, 양해걸, 우주홍, 조은혜, 주일로, 최동주
2011Potential induction of rat muscle-derived stem cells to neural-like cells by retinoic acid.민병현
2020To evaluate the therapeutic effects of genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells in a chronic stroke animal modelMARASINI, SUBASH, 서해영
