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이, 인경(Yi, In Kyong) Currently indexed / E-mail
[School of Medicine / Graduate School of Medicine] - [Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine]

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

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Pub YearTitleAJOU Author(s)
2023Comparison of the effects of dexmedetomidine and propofol on the cardiovascular autonomic nervous system during spinal anesthesia: preliminary randomized controlled observational study이인경, 조한범, 채윤정
2023Evaluation of the Potential for Improvement of Clinical Outcomes in Trauma Patients with Massive Hemorrhage by Maintaining a High Plasma-to-Red Blood Cell Ratio during the First Hour of Hospitalization권준식, 이인경, 정경원
2023Effect of High-Flow Nasal Oxygenation on Gastric Insufflation in Patients Undergoing Laryngeal Microsurgery under Tubeless General Anesthesia with Neuromuscular Blockade김종엽, 이인경, 장민영
2022Magnesium Sulfate and Cerebral Oxygen Saturation in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial손혜민, 안효은, 이인경
2022Effects of deep neuromuscular block on surgical pleth index-guided remifentanil administration in laparoscopic herniorrhaphy: a prospective randomized trial김지은, 김진수, 이인경, 허훈
2021Immediate retrograde amnesia induced by midazolam: A prospective, non-randomised cohort study손혜민, 이인경
2021Comparison of learning direct laryngoscopy using a McGrath videolaryngoscope as a direct versus indirect laryngoscope: a randomized controlled trial민상기, 이인경, 채윤정
2021Late Mortality Prediction of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte and Platelet Ratio in Patients With Trauma Who Underwent Emergency Surgery: A Retrospective Study이인경, 채윤정
2021Effect of adding midazolam to dual prophylaxis for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting김종엽, 이인경
2020Comparison of McGrath, Pentax, and Macintosh laryngoscope in normal and cervical immobilized manikin by novices: a randomized crossover trial김종엽, 민상기, 이인경
2020Conversion of I-gel to definitive airway in a cervical immobilized manikin: Aintree intubation catheter vs long endotracheal tube이인경, 채윤정
2019Effect of different doses of ketamine with low-dose rocuronium on intubation conditions in children: prospective randomized double blind trial이인경, 채윤정, 황지훈
2019A comparison of McGrath MAC, Pentax AWS, and Macintosh direct laryngoscopes for nasotracheal intubation: a randomized controlled trial김대희, 이인경, 채윤정
2019Comparison of Pentax Airway Scope and Macintosh laryngoscope for orotracheal intubation in children: A randomised non-inferiority trial김종엽, 이숙영, 이인경
2019Thirty-Day Postoperative Outcomes Following Sugammadex Use in Colorectal Surgery Patients: Retrospective Study이인경, 조한범, 채윤정
2018Discrimination ability of the endotracheal tube location using real-time palpation during intubation using an endotracheal tube with a preloaded stylet이인경, 채윤정
